Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Start-Up

I am just beginning my venture this week, and I've already learned and accomplished so much! Ever since I worked as a door-to-door salesman for another company, I have wanted to go out and do it for myself. I had this crazy idea of selling "No Soliciting" signs. It's very ironic, I know. This idea came to me when I realized everyone hates door-to-door salespeople. I finally have the time to begin this venture, and I couldn't be more excited to do so! Here are some of the things that I've gotten done this week-

  1. Legal Stuff- I assumed that I would need a solicitor's licence from the  city clerk before going out and selling. I found the forms online and began working on them until I came across a line in my city's code of ordinances that could save me some time. After verifying by calling the city clerk, I now know that, as long as I'm delivering the good to the customer at the time of purchase, I don't even need a licence! I was happy to find that out because it saved me $20 and a lot of time.
  2. Supplier- So I'm trying to find a good place to buy my signs at the lowest price. I've found a few wholesalers that get the unit price down to ~$1, which is pretty good. I have to order 20 or more units for a reasonable profit margin when accounting for shipping costs. I plan to sell each sign at $5, but I may try $10 in higher income neighborhoods. Tomorrow, I will make the decision on a supplier and order some merchandise! I'm already excited for it to get here.
  3. Blog- I have set up this blog! I will continue to post about my progress and especially my cash flow. As my final goal is to make $200 in profit, I'll be keeping track of where my money is going and be producing a business model as well. 
I plan to be selling next week. Once the signs get shipped I will update my cash flows journal and post pictures of the signs. I still have a ways to go, but I'm off to a good start! If you are interested in following my journey, please subscribe to this blog. I also have a poll on the right toolbar if you would like to participate.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool! Wow! Ambitious and well thought out. Love your enthusiasm. Do NOT give up after the first trial! Oh, and I'll buy one of your signs:)
